A proxy verify application
Download I want verify my proxies without any browser configurations, so I just built a proxy tester, which supports both http and socks5 proxy, the system requeiment is .net4.0+ . The proxy addr also allowed to includes proxy credential, such as: http://user:pwd@proxyip:port socks5://user:pwd@proxyip:port
Make allproxy work wih 4g dongle (e3372)
Why allproxy APP disconnected automatically
Even allproxy already provides background service, there are still some reasone maybe make it be disconnected:1. The most reason is battery management of your phone, you should ignore high batter reminder. 2. If you have some system management software, please allow allproxy running in background 3. It will be disconnect if the screen is closed, […]
Allproxy Server
What is Allproxy You can search and install “allproxy” app in google play store, and then you can publish your phone netowork as 4g proxy in anywhere! Allproxy provides a easy way to build yourself 4g proxies, it can makes your phone, home PC, home router as a valid http/socks5 proxy! Allproxy includes server and […]
Contact Me
Telegram: https://t.me/allproxyofficial Telegram Channel: allproxy_pub
allproxy update history
Client download address https://github.com/rvallp/4gproxy Update History 2024 6~91. SMS2. Wifi Split (Dual network) 2020~2021 Added reseller and users management Optimized IP rotation speed Added more client support Reduce the risk maybe deteted as proxy 2019.9.20 Url whitelist/blacklist Regular expression in url rules 2019.9.19 Supports traffic limitation for Daily and Monthly 2019.9.2 Supports daemon feature for […]