What is Allproxy
You can search and install “allproxy” app in google play store, and then you can publish your phone netowork as 4g proxy in anywhere!
Allproxy provides a easy way to build yourself 4g proxies, it can makes your phone, home PC, home router as a valid http/socks5 proxy!
Allproxy includes server and client application, the server application supports almost all platform: Linux, Windows, OpenWrt…
And the client also support Linux, Windows, OpenWrt, Android(IOS is developing).
The GUI client even supports IP rotation by customized scheduler.
Server features
Proxy Authentication

You can reset/clear proxy authentication in webconsole or through API
Accessing Rules
You can set url whitelist/blacklist, even regular expression to protect your proxy.

You can do all operations as what we can do in webconsole,e.g: ge all proxies, get specified proxy, reset/clear proxy auth, whitelist…
With android and IOS SDK, you can add proxy feature in your app.
- You can set url whitelist for each proxy
- You can set user authentication for each proxy
- You can set IP whiteList for your all proxy
Contact Me
You can contact me thorugh TG (https://t.me/allproxyofficial)
Telegram Channel: allproxy