Ping based proxy detection

Proxies are detected in your connection – This is a sentence read often by privacy fanatics.

Nowadays a new type of proxy detection is possible, but don’t worry it won’t really influence your work. This is the Ping based proxy detection.

On modern browser fingerprint checking sites like, it is already available. But no modern websites can really rely on this type of detection otherwise the user experience wouldn’t be acceptable for regular users.


Ping based proxy detection

This is a new way of how proxies can be detected. But the good news is this is not reliable so websites will never block you just because they detect this.

This is because of using most likely a slow proxy not because of using Kameleo. In the picture below we try to explain what exactly happens.


In first case, the website forces your browser with javascript to ping the webserver. It will take a longer time since the traffic first goes to the proxy and then to the webserver. On the left side of the image, you can see that it takes 100 ms + 100 ms = 200 ms.

In the second case, the webserver is pinging the proxy. The website doesn’t even know that your PC exists. It just sees an IP. It is the Proxy’s IP. So the ping will be much faster since it doesn’t have to travel all the way to your PC. On the right side, you can see that it just takes 100 ms.

What they say is:

We compare ping from your computer to our server and ping from our server to the host of your external IP. If the difference is too much then there is probably a tunnel and you are using a proxy.

So if the 2 values are totally different there is a big chance that someone is using a proxy. But it is a bad idea to block traffic based on this detection because these differences in the ping can be other anomalies as well. For example the fluctuating bandwidth. So it can happen that someone doesn’t use a proxy but when his browser is pinging the website it takes different time than the ping from the website to he’s PC. This is why they say “probably a tunnel”.

Avoid proxy detection

You don’t have to worry about this type of detection too much because no modern websites really blocking traffic due to this reason. They cannot rely on it for sure results.

If you really care you have to use really fast proxies so the time difference won’t be too big. Also, you should be close to the proxy you use. If proxy you are using is on the other side of the world this difference will be high. No matter how fast the proxy’s connection is.

In some cases, you can be lucky and your proxy won’t answer to ping requests. Then this type of detection won’t be possible.

Your host does not respond to ping. We cannot detect proxy in your connection.


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